Due to legislation, vitamin D3+K2 (1000 IU D3 / 25 µg K2-MK7) cannot be officially recommended for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Although for vitamin D3, for example, we meet the safety profile parameters for food supplements intended for children, we do not have official certification. However, there is currently no purer form of vitamin D3 on the market. Nor do we use synthetic and preservatives that are not required to be listed on labels.
We have therefore developed the KIDS range. It is designed not only for children, but also for mothers. They are available either on their own Omega 3 DHA or just in combination with D3+K2 (found here). The dosage of these products is more gentle, more adaptable and therefore more suitable for the indicated groups.
In theory, it is also possible to use vitamin D3+K2 for adults in the case of children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, but it is necessary to adjust the dosage accordingly. It should be noted that it is always advisable to know the blood level of vitamin D3 in all cases and supplement accordingly. If you do not know the blood levels, take the basic recommended dose for prevention.
For both nutrients, the general recommendations are as follows:
6-12 months: 400-600 IU daily
1-2 years: 600 IU daily
2-3 years: 600-800 IU daily
3-8 years: 1000 IU daily
8-18 years: 1 000-2000 IU daily
18+ years: 1 000-3 000 IU daily
Pregnant and lactating women: 2,000+ IU per day
When supplementing higher doses of vitamin D3 for a long time, it is advisable to supplement vitamin K2 at the same time. For more information on this issue, see the article Synergistic interplay between vitamins D3 and K2.
6 months - 1 year: insufficient data
1 - 2 years: 5 mcg (10 mcg may be considered safe)
2 - 3 years: 10-25 mcg
3 - 4 years: 25-35 mcg
4 - 6 years: 35-50 mcg
6 - 10 years: 50 mcg
10 - 13 years: 50 - 75 mcg
13 - 18 years: 75 - 180 mcg
Trime Vitamin D3+K2 (for adults) contains 1000IU + 25mcg in 2 drops.
Trime KIDS DHA + D3/K2 contains 400 IU and 5 mcg in 0.5 ml (the dropper has a line).