Omega 3 Enhanced BioPlus - fish oil
Vegan Omega 3 - Schizochytrium sp.
Liquid Omega 3 - cod liver oil
KIDS Omega 3 - Schizochytrium sp.
In the marine ecosystem, algae and plankton are the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, which do not have the necessary enzymes to synthesize EPA and DHA, obtain omega-3s by consuming algae and plankton. On land, fresh grazing is the main source of omega-3 MK. Animals that are conventionally reared and freely graze grass and forage therefore naturally synthesise omega-3.
Although wild marine fish are the most natural source of omega-3 fatty acids with high levels of EPA and DHA, their increased consumption by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children is not recommended due to the potential for increased heavy metal loading.
Still, there is no need to worry in the case of Omega 3 Enhanced BioPlus - heavy metal contamination is strictly controlled in every batch of Trime dietary supplements. The risk of cumulative alimentary burden is therefore completely negligible compared to eating a normal diet.
On the other hand, animals in conventional extensive production (large-scale farms, cages, fish farms, etc.) that are fed high-energy feed have, among other things, an unnaturally disturbed fatty acid composition (they do not have enough omega-3 and, on the contrary, have an unnaturally high proportion of omega-6 fatty acids). Thus, they cannot provide us with a source of omega-3 fatty acids, but on the contrary continue to increase our intake of omega-6 in an undesirable way. Yet ensuring an optimal ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 FAs is one of the key factors in maintaining good health.